About Tafi Media
Mobile Advertisement Forecast

Tafi Media is a global mobile advertising agent for SPB TV. SPB TV is the world’s first and largest cross platform, open TV channels marketplace with a free and paid content catalog that are available for discovery by more that 15 million consumers worldwide using any 3G enabled phone.
We offer access to over 15 million mobile users worldwide and enable brands to extend their reach and drive measurable results through display advertising campaigns. With a minimum of 10% CTR Tafi Media could offer a campaign with a high involvement of the end users.
Moreover Tafi Media could offer the production of advertisement banners/videos and all the advertising materials related to it.
Becoming a customer of Tafi Media your company would receive a thorough ad report which includes: summary, daily user activity, operating systems used to view the ad, countries and cities where the ad was watched and the reaction of users on it.
With the growth of Smartphone in use throughout the world, research confirms that today’s consumers are spending a greater amount of money on their phones. May Smartphone users are just beginning to understand the potential value of their devices, and as they start to realize the possible productivity gains, they are downloading more and more applications and spending longer amounts of time using their phones. A survey of US mobile phone users conducted by Lightspeed Research for mobileSQURED, revealed that 49 million of US users have engaged with an advertisement of some description on their mobile phone.
With such a large number of potential customers adopting a single media outlet, shouldn’t you position you marketing message where it’s going to be most effective?
Pre-Roll advertising is one of the most powerful components of all sizes. With more that 15 million users, SPB TV has proven itself to be an industry leader among Mobile TV applications. The number of SPB TV users is constantly increasing with the release of SPB TV FREE version on all supported platforms (Apple iPhone, iPod, iPad, Google Android, Windows Phone, Symbian, Palm wedOS, BlackBerry, Samsung bada, WAP, and Maemo).
The power of smartphones market
With the growth of Smartphone in use throughout the world, research confirms that today’s consumers are spending a greater amount of money on their phones. Many Smartphone users are just beginning to understand the potential value of their devices, and as they start to realize the possible productivity gains, they are downloading more and more applications and spending longer amounts of time using their phones. A survey of US mobile phone users conducted by Lightspeed Research for mobileSQUARED, revealed that 49 million of US mobile users have engaged with an advertisement of some description on their mobile phone.
With such a large number of potential customers adopting a single media outlet, shouldn’t you position your marketing message where it’s going to be most effective?
Pre-Roll advertising is one of the most powerful components of any media campaign, and SPB TV is the perfect fit for companies of all sizes. With more than 15 million users, SPB TV has proven itself to be an industry leader among Mobile TV applications. The number of SPB TV users is constantly increasing with the release of SPB TV FREE version on all supported platforms (Apple iPhone, iPod, iPad, Google Android, Windows Phone, Symbian, Palm webOS, BlackBerry, Samsung bada, WAP, and Maemo).
When you want to reach a large, highly interested audience of tech consumers, there is no better choice than SPB TV.